We've helped these business owners define their niche, sharpen their offerings, and target the right audience. By using a 'scientific approach' to advertising, we fine-tuned their brand in the marketplace, attracting the very best customers and clients.

Customer acquisition and operations are now streamlined, allowing them to focus on what truly drives growth. This brings a sense of control, empowering founders to explore their full potential and clarify their ultimate vision.

I love seeing wins in my email inbox...

Some audio clips where people share their thoughts...

Mentioning the depth of knowledge and resources available to help you grow (and that we don't charge enough, apparently!)
Teodor explains how he's a more confident business owner, able to make informed decisions that result in growth.
Antony reports "fantastic returns" on Facebook Ads as a result of implementing what we had discussed together.
"Our best month ever" after we got started together (Tim).
👈 Michele had never been able to make Facebook Ads work for her brand. After working through our methodology and scientific-method approach to advertising, this had become a staple revenue driver for her growing store.
"Ecstatic to see these sales coming in...!"
Dr. Paul shares his all-too-common terrible experience of using ad agencies.

2023 Wins Shared in our Community

Some Case Study Snippets...

⭐ Star Mentee doing $100k/mo

From complete scratch to known & loved ski brand

Ski brand
$0-7 Figures success story with his own products
Craig took control of his marketing with my help, and together we systemised his business so he could remain free to dream and grow. 

Craig broke-through $100k/mo in Jan '24. All without the help of external marketers and agencies. 

We are now working on making his physical store a less heavy burden to carry. 

$0-$100k in 40 Days

Validating our battle-tested process and formula back in 2019

Another startup going from 0 to £75k in just over a month. 

The success is in having the business owner truly focus on one particular niche and customer that they can serve best. 

The growth was propelled by a 'min viable ecosystem' we created together, leveraging Google Ads, Facebook Ads and email. 

This brand went on to be successfully sold.

Clothing Brand Reaches over $1.5m/mo

I'm incredibly proud of the achievements of this brand. We worked together in the early stages and their commitment, hard work, and enthusiasm was, I knew, going to lead to incredible success. They're now at $14.4m in total sales and doing over $1.4m/mo.

Fast-forward 3 years and I'm stoked to be able to help & advise them further. 

We'll be working to 2 x the revenue of this luxury clothing brand 
while calming some of the chaos which has arisen as the business has grown.

Fashion brand unlocks exponential growth

Before we started working together, there was no steady growth trajectory. After implementing the 'flywheel' methodology, we unlocked the path to exponential growth.

Revenue has increased while profits have increased ensuring capital can be reinvested for faster growth...

$100k/ Week Target Hit, and then some...

Incremental growth...

This brand was going too wide, too soon. Together we narrowed the focus and became really great at leather travel holdalls. 

We had to be brutal in cutting costs and thinning down stocks in order to release more profit. This additional profit was channelled back into a core marketing strategy which drove growth.

Niche: High end leather bags

$0-$160k in 60 Days

The same process and formula:

Chris was overwhelmed having tried so many marketing agencies and receiving such contradictory advise on how to bring his B2B brand online as a DTC eCommerce brand. 

I transferred my knowledge and skills into their business and together we narrowed the focus onto 3 hero products. "Let's just get this right and as profitable as possible." 

By crafting 'breakthrough' ad copy, his offer hit home onto a receptive surfer market and instantly hit a positive growth trajectory.

First $100k Week

The same process and formula:

This fashion brand had no distinctive USP and various freelancers had contributed to creating a chaotic frenzy of marketing.

We are working on having the owner see the bigger picture and fix other parts of the business. Driving growth is one thing, but it has to be sustained by the whole ecosystem.

Niche: High-end fashion products

39x ROAS on Facebook

The same process and formula:

 We worked together to figure out who was really  the target audience for these hair & beauty products (hair extensions). 
It ended up being completely different to that envisaged by the husband and wife founders. 

You know you've hit home when ads achieve a 39x ROAS!

Together we worked on solving problems related to supply and unit economics, as well as creating coherent brand image in-line with our new target audience. 

Niche: Hair & Beauty

Brand Breakthrough

Recovered from wasting $67k on ads with a marketing agency

From a handful of sales in 2022 to record-beating sales in just 7 days in March '23. The brand got its niche dialled-in, updated their store, and began advertising within our proven framework.

By the summer, revenue was continuing to climb and conversion rate became very healthy indeed.

Carlye and I continue to find the brands' identity and core target audience. 

Niche: High-end fashion accessories

Kate Percy: 3 Month Results: Revenue Up 141% 

Ethosa: Growth unleashed and investment secured

Having had mixed results with marketing agencies and no steady growth, Oli and Gaëlle approached me for help. Together we designed and built an internal marketing ecosystem. 

Using a scientific-method approach to advertising, we honed-in on the key niche participants that would drive early stage growth and provide profits. From there, profits were channeled into growth and product development.
12 months later, the brand successfully raised a high 6 figure investment and a £2.7m valuation.

Dr. Paul: 3 Month Results: Revenue Up 320% 

Hear Paul's all-too-familiar experience with agencies in this clip:

ADV Tennis 12 Month Results: Unlocked Revenue Gains - Up 2895% 

Australian Sustainable Goods Brand: 2 Month Results: Revenue Up 117% 

Full Case Studies:


$136k in one year to $105k in one month.
The complete case study on how this brand scaled to $100k per month.
Download this case study here

5 Orders in 11 Months to 11 Orders in 5 Hours

Explore how an email funnel + successful Meta ads drove this fashion brand forwards
Download this case study here
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